Thursday, July 23, 2009


I FINALLY bought my url and set up a new blog. drumroll............

click image to view!

PLEASE BOOKMARK, SAVE, OR DO WHATEVER YOU NEED TO DO (if you are a regular reader, which I THANK YOU btw). I will no longer be posting to Blogger! Hope ya'll like it! Feedback always appreciated! xoxoxoxoxo

Sunday, July 19, 2009

JULY 25th is the big day!!!

HOLY MOLY. i set a release date for my video!!! I will be putting the video out on the evening of July 25th. I'm so freaking excited i can't even put it into words!!

If any of ya'll are just tuning in, I am talking about my first self-produced project that I also star in as well. In this little pet project of mine, I am spoofing a very well known pop princess in Asia. Working on this thing has been the most fun I've had probably since I was a kid...I think I almost peed my pants about a dozen times, I laughed so hard during the shoot.

So, stay tuned and you'll be able to see it soooooooon!

screen capture from the vid:

Thursday, July 9, 2009

just say no

i don't watch tv at home. maybe that's crazy, but i just can't have it anymore. i wind up addicted to the worst kind of shows. i mean, Daisy of Love? thank god i don't have tv because i would watch the shit out of that kind of garbage. ugh the shame i would feel.

so instead, i end up toiling away hours on facebook and twitter. a much healthier preoccupation OBVIOUSLY.

my point.


actually, it was about michael jackson. so even though i don't have tv, i often wander over to my next door neighbor's place and can't help but absorb some filth over there because her tv is on TWENTY FOUR SEVEN.

so serious i have to use all caps.

and lately, i've gotten sucked into watching coverage on MJ, because...who wouldn't? it's getting so ugly, really...the rumors, all the images they flash of him, the freaking dermatologist on larry king -- how much do you think he got paid for that interview? that's what i wanna know.

today i actually felt physically ill after catching a portion of that interview. all these people scrutinizing, trying to figure it all out, trying to find the ugliest, darkest, nastiest side to it all.


poor michael. as if he hasn't had the most bizarre life experience already, with the fame, abuse, illness, the skin disease, the body dysmorphic disorder. now in death he's still under a microscope...and more ruthlessly exploited than before.

i truly hope that he has found peace, and that he has already escaped far far away from this place and all our disgustingly shallow human obsessions.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

insomniac photo shoot

whipped out the SLR that i don't know how to use properly last night. this is what i got:

and my personal favorite:

passion hobbies

this video really got me thinking.

what would you ass rape yourself with a remote control over?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

mushrooms are overrated

totally accidental-tripped on this weird video with a japanese ronald mcdonald.
